Welcome to the H. O. Coates family website


For Thee I Am Thankful
Email Addresses
Email by Family
Family Photos
Older Photos
Genealogy Information
Ticklish Reuben Lyrics


Harold Oliver Coates was the father of 7 children:

The children from H.O. Coates' first marriage with Eva Van Marter were: Charles Herbert, Clara Edith and Warren.

The children from H.O. Coates' second marriage with Martha Puckett were: Lawrence Earnest, Alma Gertrude, Wesley Graham and Harry Thomas.

Email Addresses by current name

Email Addresses by Family

Genealogy Information

     Fadra Coates' Poem "For Thee I am Thankful"

Family Photos

Older Family Photos





"Ticklish Reuben" was a song C.H. Coates loved to sing and often sang at family gatherings.  No one could sing it as well or laugh as well as he did.

Listen to: Ticklish Reuben

As Recorded by Cal Stewart on Victor Records 1902

Ticklish Reuben Lyrics

Recording and lyrics provided by Gerry Coates

Photos from 1960 and earlier

Home | For Thee I Am Thankful | Email Addresses | Email by Family | Family Photos | Older Photos | Genealogy Information | Ticklish Reuben Lyrics

This site was last updated 07/13/12